Skye Collection, The
Originally compiled by K.N. MacDonald, this volume is finally back in print once again. This long sought after book is of highest quality, using meticulous printing techniques, heavy bond paper, 8.5″ x 11″, spiral binding for easy use, and an attractive varnished cover. The history of this great music collection goes back over a hundred years. In the 1880s, Keith Norman MacDonald started to gather tunes, both those that were written down and those that had been passed on “by ear”. Some were written for the pipes or piano, but the majority were for the violin. MacDonald re-arranged the more than 400 tunes so they can be played by fiddle, banjo, piano, organ and many other instruments. Until recently, this work had been out of print for well over fifty years. To own a copy today is rare and even then, the book likely would be tattered and worn, having passed through many hands. This is highly recommended to anyone interested in Scottish music.
Compiled by K.N. MacDonald (soft cover)