Hedgehog - RC&Co
$65.00 $39.95
Swaledale Tip by Border Fine Arts
Red Deer Stag by Border Fine Arts
Highland Calf by Arista Designs, Hawick, Scotland
Highland Cow Porcelain Figurine by Castle Wynd Studios
$115.00 $85.00
The Piper - Royal Doulton
Pot Hanger - Hedgehog
Tam O' Shanter Door Stop
Figurine - Puffin on Pier
Jock's Pride by Border Fine Arts
$325.00 $250.00
Pot Hanger - Highland Cow
Cocker Spaniel by Royal Doulton
Swan & Cygnets, by Border Fine Arts
Rough Collie, by Border Fine Arts
The Master - Royal Doulton
Highland Cow & Calf Figurine
Highland Cow Figurine
Black Faced Sheep