Calgary Burns Club Singers - Ay Waukin O CD
100% of the sale of this CD will be donated to the Salvation Army.
Their 7th CD.
- Caledonia
- Bluebells Of Scotland
- Campbells Are Coming
- Loch Tay Boat Song
- Gallawa' Hills
- Ay Waukin O
- The Banks Of Newfoundland
- Dumbarton Drums
- Scotland Our Home
- The Northern Light Of Old Aberdeen
- This Land Is Your Land
- The Bonnie Banks Of Ayr
- The Hiking Song
- The Dark Island
- Lonely Scapa Flow
- The Song Of The Clyde
- Wild Mountain Thyme
- Mull Of Kintyre
- The Star O' Rabbie Burns
- The Massacre Of Glencoe
- Swiing Medley
- Working MAn
- Show Me The Way To Go Home
- Auld LAng Syne