Barry's Decaf Blend Tea Bags
Barry’s is proud of their Decaf blend. It is freshly blended with the same high quality leaves as their Gold Blend. The good news is it's less than 0.2% caffeine, but tastes just as good. It’s the perfect choice for those late night cups just before you go to bed.
About this Item:
- Each Box Contains 80 Tea Bags
- Teabags are fully biodegradable.
- Box 100% recyclable
- Ingredients: 100% Black Tea
- Rainforest Alliance Certified Tea
- Caffeine content - less than 0.2%
- Great source of hydration
- Suitable for Vegans
How to Make...
Barry’s Master Blender recommends one teabag per cup, using freshly boiled water every time. Allow to brew for 3-5 minutes depending on how strong you like it. For the perfect pot, follow the same ritual as making a cup, adding an extra teabag for the pot.